Utility Bill

Utility Bill

City of Canton Water Department
201 N. Buffalo
Canton, TX  75103
Phone: 903-567-2826  
Download form for new service
Mayor's Welcome Letter
Establishing a 911 Address
Email: canton@cantontx.gov  

Water, sewer, garbage, ambulance, and ambulance Flight for Life service are billed together.  The billing is done by the 25th of each month.  Payments are due by the 10th and late charges will be applied on the 11th.

  • NOTICE TO UTILITY CUSTOMERS: A service provider polycart will be furnished as part of the monthly curbside garbage collection service. Each residence will receive one 95-gallon polycart.  Additional carts may be obtained by calling City Hall at 903-567-2826. The polycart will remain the property of Sanitation Solutions. Damaged and/or stolen polycarts will be replaced at no charge to the customers. All garbage waste generated at the residence should be placed inside the polycart. The residence will also be allowed up to three items outside the cart (bagged trash, bundled limbs, or a combination of both). Polycarts should be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. the morning of the day of collection. It is the resident’s responsibility to take the polycart into their yard within 24 hours of being emptied. The area around the polycart should be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and must comply with all other City regulations regarding trash pickup.
  • PAYMENTS: Bill payments may be mailed to 201 N. Buffalo, Canton, Texas, or paid in person at 201 N. Buffalo, Canton, Texas, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  There are two drop off boxes located at 201 N. Buffalo, one freestanding on the south side of the building, and the other is in the front facade of the building near the door.  Payments may also be paid online through our eBill System, which requires you to login and submit your payment, as well as through Bank Draft Authorization, which allows automatic payments to be taken out every month.  For payments made through your personal online banking system, be aware that your financial institution physically cuts a check and mails it to us, which can cause a delay in your payment being received by our office.  Mail payments are posted when received.  For questions regarding your statements, call the Utility Billing Department at 903-567-2826
    • eBill System- to receive, view or pay your water bill online.
    • Bank Draft Authorization- fill out and return with a voided check attached. Automatic payments draft from your authorized bank account around the 4th of every month.

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